
Free lesson plans for teachers planning their outdoor play activities

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Spring’s here: Start planning outdoor play activities with these free lesson plans for teachers

Now that the clocks have changed, spring is steadily on its way and summer’s not far behind it.

And while the weather may currently be its seasonal showery self, many teachers and children are looking forward to spending more time outdoors – to either learn, play, or do both.

We’ve worked with so many schools over the years and are really passionate about championing active learning and enjoyable, creative and safe outdoor play.

That’s why we’ve created a series of free lesson plans for teachers. They’re aimed at encouraging as many nurseries and schools across the country as possible to hold outdoor games and, more importantly, spend more time in the fresh air.

Children Playing Outside Under School Canopy



For those of you who may have missed them, here’s a quick recap of the games, which meet several key National Curriculum learning objectives, and are quick and easy to play:


Children start by playing Name that Game before working in groups to develop their own games to play. Not all games need equipment and not all games have teams. The games must meet three key rules. Everybody shares their ideas.

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LESSON PLAN 2: Class Game

The teacher throws and catches a soft ball while asking pupils what their thoughts are about the activity. Is it fun? Is it safe? How can it be made better? The class then splits off into groups to create their own versions while remembering the questions they raised at the start.

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LESSON PLAN 3: Game Rules

Pupils are shown a hopscotch video and the rules for how to play hopscotch are also shared. Once the video is over, they’re asked to answer a series of key questions. Everybody is split into groups and takes it in turns to film and write down their own set of game rules.

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LESSON PLAN 4: Review and Assessment

Using one of the videos from Game Rules, pupils are asked to play the game before rating it using a Game Rater worksheet and providing constructive, positive feedback, such as thinking of one way in which it could be improved. This activity is repeated for each game.

Download the lesson plan

Hopefully you’ve already downloaded the lesson plans, or are planning to now that you’ve read this post! Either way, we hope you find them really useful and that they provide plenty of enjoyment over the coming weeks and months.

In the meantime, if you find that the weather puts a dampener on your plans to use these lesson plans outside, check out this post, ‘Nursery group calls for two hours’ outdoor play…this is the weatherproof way to deliver it.’