Safety for school playgrounds

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As schools and nurseries increasingly are embracing the benefits of outdoor learning and play, ensuring the safety of your school spaces becomes a priority. Designing spaces that are inclusive, accessible, safe and secure requires careful consideration of various different safety factors. In this guide, we’re exploring the key measures schools can take to create safer playgrounds and learning environments.

Safety for school playgrounds: how can I make my playground safer?

Choosing the right playground equipment is important for minimising the risk of accidents and injuries at school. When choosing equipment, look for designs that meet the latest safety standards, which cover aspects like the height of equipment, spacing between components and impact-absorbing properties of the surfacing.

Go for age-appropriate equipment that challenges children without posing risks. Equipment with soft edges, protective elements and non-slip surfaces can all help minimise accidents like cuts, bumps and falls. You should also regularly inspect your playground equipment and keep on top of maintenance to identify and address any wear or damage.

Surfacing and flooring

The type of surface used in your outdoor areas can make a huge difference in safety. Go for impact-absorbing materials like rubber mulch or tiles, or poured-in rubber surfacing. These surfaces are designed to cushion any falls and reduce the risk of injuries.

Avoid hard surfaces like concrete in a dedicated play area, as it offers very little protection in the event of a fall. For any areas with specialised equipment, like climbing frames or slides, make sure appropriate surfacing is installed that extends beyond just the equipment.

Canopies and weather protection

Incorporating a canopy or covered structure in your outdoor learning space can provide valuable sun safety and protection from the elements. A well-designed canopy helps shield children from the sun’s harmful UV rays, heavy rain and strong winds, creating an environment for playing and learning that’s both safe and comfortable.

Look for canopies made from robust, weatherproof materials with secure, durable builds that means they can withstand adverse weather conditions. Transparent or translucent roofing can be used to allow natural light to filter through while still offering the necessary shelter.

Accessibility and inclusivity

To ensure your outdoor learning area is accessible and inclusive, you could incorporate ramps, wide pathways and smooth transitions between surfaces to accommodate wheelchairs, walkers and mobility aids.

You can read more about designing inclusive spaces in our article: How schools can design inclusive outdoor spaces

Signage and communication

Clear signage is essential for promoting safety in an outdoor learning environment. Use visual cues like symbols and pictures to help children understand the correct use of equipment and designated play areas.

Encourage staff to be on hand to provide guidance and support. Regular safety briefings and training can help empower teachers to supervise outdoor learning and play effectively and respond quickly to any incidents.

Maintenance and supervision

Ongoing maintenance and active supervision are important for guaranteeing the continued safety of your outdoor learning space. Inspect the area regularly for any hazards like loose or broken equipment, sharp edges or trip hazards. Always address any issues promptly to maintain a safe environment.

Always ensure adequate staff are around to provide supervision during outdoor activities. This allows staff to actively engage with children, offer guidance and intervene if necessary to prevent accidents or injuries.

By implementing a thorough, comprehensive approach to safety, schools can create outdoor learning and play areas that are not only engaging and stimulating, but also offer a secure environment where children are safe.

Designing a safe and inclusive outdoor learning environment for your school or nursery is an investment in the well-being of the children in your care. At Canopies UK, we have over 30 years of experience in providing high-quality, tailor-made canopy solutions to enhance outdoor spaces and promote year-round learning.

If you’re ready to create a safer, more versatile outdoor area for your students, get in touch with our team today to schedule a free site survey. Together, we can give your students a secure and stimulating play and learning space.