John Scurr Primary School is a two-form entry nursery and primary school based in the Tower Hamlets area of London.
The school caters for children between the ages of three and 11-years-old and its motto is ‘be the best that you can be.’
The requirement
The school’s headteacher, Maria Lewington, wanted to create an outdoor covered area where pupils could play and learn outside all-year round.
With a set budget to work to, she wanted the space to cover the maximum amount of coverage possible.
The main challenge related to the timing of the project. The installation needed to take place during term-time, which involved us having to go about our work in a busy school environment.
It was essential that our work was carried out with minimum disruption and that it did not pose any health and safety risks or hazards to passing pupils, teachers or visitors.
Space also played a key factor with this particular installation. The headteacher had set her sights on creating a dedicated shelter area that would cover as much floor space as her budget allowed. However, it was crucial that none of the precious playground area was lost in the process.

The solution
Our team of specialists specified one of our Connekt cantilevered canopies, which spanned 3.6 metres. They chose this particular system, as they could install it without having to use any supporting posts, which would have taken up valuable playground space.
We installed the canopy in a day and ensured disruption was kept to a minimum by co-cordoning off our working area and carrying out the appropriate risk assessments and method statements.
John Scurr Primary School now have another canopy to add to their existing Canopies UK installations:
- Where pupils can play and learn, all year round
- That hasn’t been created at the expense of their playground space
And, because the new system has been painted in black, it blends in seamlessly with the surrounding buildings.

