What better way to make guests feel welcome than by protecting them from the elements from the moment they step foot on your premises.
Hotel entrance canopies are suitable for all different types of venues and bring the added bonus of turning entranceways, where people often wait for other guests, lifts or taxis, into a sheltered waiting spot.
And when they are as attractively designed as our Olympus and Italia systems, entrance canopies are a feature that make you stand out from the competition and give guests something to remember you by.
Benefits of hospitality entrance canopies
From pubs and bars, hotels to restaurants, entrance canopies are used far and wide throughout the hospitality industry to provide much-needed shelter, as well as make a statement.
Available as freestanding and wall-mounted, our hospitality entrance canopies are just as effective at providing shelter from the weather in the winter as they are the summer. That’s because they’re manufactured with a Melinex gel-coated roof, which protects against the sun’s harmful rays.
Our wall-mounted entrance canopies are installed without supporting posts, making them the ideal solution for areas that attract a lot of passing footfall. While our freestanding systems don’t need to be attached to or supported by other structures. They can also be designed so that the supporting posts are positioned at the back, minimising the risk of obstruction and fully opening up the space beneath.
Tailored to your requirements using our bespoke design, manufacturing and installation service, our walkways are created with one thing in mind – to 100% meet your needs. And thanks to our industry-leading site-specific calculations, we can guarantee your canopy is the right solution and withstands the test of time.
Hospitality entrance canopies help make the right first impression with guests by protecting them from the elements all-year round. Here are some examples for a little inspiration.

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Case Studies
View our case studies and see how our canopies are helping so many organisations get more from their outdoor space.
See resultsAvailable Systems:

Our Connekt canopy system is a modular system and can be any length – you can even add to it in the future. It is highly versatile and hugely popular, with no limit to how it projects. It is suitable for all outdoor areas, and the cantilevered option is 100% self-supporting.
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Our Olympus canopy can stand up to 8 metres tall, making it suitable for most locations. It is made from galvanised steel with white or light grey support channels, making it as stylish as it is strong. It can be extended as far as required to meet any requirement. It incorporates a polycarbonate roof that lets in plenty of light, and can manufactured in a high curved or a flat design – making it suitable for all installations.
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Our Italia canopy is sleek and highly attractive, looking really contemporary with its aluminium structure and silver shine finish. It is available with a curved, flat or angular roof, and is available in 5 different models – The Monza, The Sienna, Verona, Livorno and Salerno.
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For more information about our canopies and the options available to you, download our brochure.